Wow! I can't believe how fast time has gone. Only three weeks of summer vacation left! Taylor starts school on August 25th which is the same day UCA starts classes. (I'll actually start training and lesson prep this week, but students won't be back until then.) The best part of this week was having Taylor's parents up to visit! It is so nice to have extra hands around to help with Declan, so if anyone else wants to visit please do! I had fun shopping craft stores and doing Jamberry nails with my mother-in-law Debbie and we all went out to dinner together Friday night. We also went to the WSU creamery and tried the ice cream. I still don't know that anything can fill the void of flavors like True Aggie and Aggie Blue Mint, but it was definitely a close second.
Two handsome guys ready for church! |
Family Updates:
Taylor: We thought it couldn't be any worse than "Sharknado", but Taylor managed to find another cheesy shark video that at the very least ties if not defeats it. "Megaladon vs Mechaladon" was Taylor's movie of choice this week. An extinct Megaladon shark is released from an iceberg so of course the government chooses to take it out by building their own giant mechanical shark. Which works well until it goes rouge, transforms into tank mode, and starts terrorizing Australia. I don't know how Taylor will survive the semester without watching such classy films. He hasn't had any new projects to work on, but he did finally hang his USU poster straight so I wouldn't be driven crazy by its crookedness!
Elise: I went to JoAnn's and Michael's this weekend and ended up with a whole slew of new crafting projects. They had wooden crates on sale for $9.99 and with my coupon I got another $2.50 off! I'll be using those to make some shelving for our guest bathroom. Wood crafts were 80% off at Michael's so I have a bunch of small frames for a collage I want to put up on our wall. I hope that the reality ends up being as good as I have it pictured! I still am working on a lot of sewing projects as well. I should have lot to keep me busy this month! I'll post finished projects as I get them done.
Declan: He can roll onto his tummy without thinking about it at all now! The only problem is that he then tries to crawl using just his legs and his face. He hasn't realized that arms need to be involved in the process. He gets frustrated and I have to pick him up after a while because I'm worried he'll get a rug burn on his nose! He has also had a cold this past week. We thought it was getting a little better, but last night his cough started to sound a little like the croup so we're keeping a close eye on him. Hopefully he gets well soon!
We're finally starting to feel that there is a routine to our days and we are enjoying Pullman, even though we mostly sit inside enjoying the air conditioner. Hopefully we can fit in more fun summer memories before we're back to the daily grind that school brings!